Source management

How do you make source references and bibliographies in your assignments? Get good advice and methods for structuring your sources.

We have collected the issues you need to pay attention to, when managing sources: Plagiarism, source critisism, the Harvard-standard, reference management tools and personal data.

When you write assignments/bachelor project/literature study etc., you include many sources in the form of theories, scientific articles, quotes, concepts, etc. You must refer to all your sources so that you can find the original information via the references/bibliography.

Source references appear in two ways in your assignment: in the text as a reference and in the bibliography. There are services (eg. Zotero) that can help you create both types of referrals.



Here you will get up to date on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, when you write your assignments.

Source criticism

Source criticism

When you find the right sources be sure to use source criticism - so the sources ARE valid ones.

Source criticism
The Harvard Standard

The Harvard Standard

We have compiled a guide for the basics of source management, using the Harvard standard and shows some concrete examples of how to refer to different kinds of sources.

The Harvard Standard


Zotero is a easy to use reference tool, that can help you create both types of referrals. You will also find some useful guides and support services regaridng source references.

GDPR and personal data

GDPR and personal data

Find information and learn how to handle personal data and GDPR in your projects and assignments.

GDPR and personal data

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